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Saturday, 29 June 2013

How to Read Non Verbal Communication in Organisations

This blog includes various features on which nonverbal communication depends. These comprises of Organisational Design which further includes people and physical Environment which is explained below

 Organisational Culture

A culture comprises of external influences that includes knowledge, morals, beliefs customs, and policies. Cultures varies so they need to be learned. They plays a major role in influencing behaviour. Every organisation has different. It affects the way people dress, the working conditions, who gets promoted, and it even influences the individual's after work activities. The culture regulates what works and what does not. It is very important for the person to get aware of the culture of an organization where the works as there are various impact of the culture. For instance, person's success depends upon how well he works within the guidelines that the culture has established.

The Physical Environment

A company's culture is shown with the facilities it offers. A company with a strong culture and pride is visible through its physical environment. The office ambience gives additional vision into the culture. A company that encourages regular interaction among members of a group will provide an office environment that is open.


Manner of dress is a highly seen as a nonverbal symbol. Highly structured organisations will have formal attire for the employees. On the other side informal or loosely structured organisations accept a very casual manner of dress.How employees greet their clients also effects the business culture.


Larson, J., & Kleiner, B. H. (2004). How to read non verbal communication in organisations. Management Research News,27(4), 17-22. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/223535824?accountid=3455

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