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Saturday, 29 June 2013

How to Read Non Verbal Communication in Organisations

This blog includes various features on which nonverbal communication depends. These comprises of Organisational Design which further includes people and physical Environment which is explained below

 Organisational Culture

A culture comprises of external influences that includes knowledge, morals, beliefs customs, and policies. Cultures varies so they need to be learned. They plays a major role in influencing behaviour. Every organisation has different. It affects the way people dress, the working conditions, who gets promoted, and it even influences the individual's after work activities. The culture regulates what works and what does not. It is very important for the person to get aware of the culture of an organization where the works as there are various impact of the culture. For instance, person's success depends upon how well he works within the guidelines that the culture has established.

The Physical Environment

A company's culture is shown with the facilities it offers. A company with a strong culture and pride is visible through its physical environment. The office ambience gives additional vision into the culture. A company that encourages regular interaction among members of a group will provide an office environment that is open.


Manner of dress is a highly seen as a nonverbal symbol. Highly structured organisations will have formal attire for the employees. On the other side informal or loosely structured organisations accept a very casual manner of dress.How employees greet their clients also effects the business culture.


Larson, J., & Kleiner, B. H. (2004). How to read non verbal communication in organisations. Management Research News,27(4), 17-22. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/223535824?accountid=3455

Friday, 28 June 2013

Tips for using or observing non-verbal communication skills effectively

Today I am going to explain you various aspects to be considered while using nonverbal communication skills. Following tips will help for using these skills effectively.

·       Pay attention to irregularities. Nonverbal communication should rely on what is being said. Person’s body language should not mismatch with what he is saying. For instance, are they telling you “yes” while shaking their head no?

·       Look at nonverbal communication signals as a whole. Don’t concentrate too much on a single nonverbal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal signals.

Assessing Non Verbal Signals
Facial Expression
Expressions on the face :Expressive or unexpressive
 Emotionally present or filled with interest.
Postures and Gestures
 Body movements:stiff or relaxed.
Shoulders: tensed or raised
If the physical contact is appropriate or inapproriate.
Eye Contact
 Eye contact: If it is made(overly intense or just right)

Time and Pace
 Is there is easy flow of information back anf forth?
 Non verbal are coming quickly or slowly?

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How using Non-Verbal Strategies Makes a Big Difference in Business Presentations

Experts have found that people communicate in three ways visually, vocally, and verbally. However, verbal communication has only 7% of a person's communication impact. This conclude  that more than 90% of a person's impact is from how something is said as well as what the person looks like saying it. The way the messenger sends signal to an audience that convince them to listen.

  • Some of key visual components are Eye contact, dress, gestures, posture, movement, and facial expressions.

  • Key vocal components are pitch, pacing, passion, projection, and pronunciation.By analysing and utilizing these non-verbal strategies, presenter can make a huge difference in business presentations and other speaking opportunities.

Following points explains the avoidance of some common mistake while using nonverbal actions using eyes and gestures

  • EYE CONTACTActive eye contact is one of the most important communication techniques that should be employed. It recognizes the audience's existence as individuals, how open presenter communicates, his honesty and also keeps people alert to your content.Because eye contact is so vital, avoid reading the speech.

  • GESTURESMake gestures only from above your waist. Gestures below waist level curtails the impact of the gesture and makes the looks less confident.Keep your arms and hands "open." 


Monday, 10 June 2013

Why Non-Verbal Communication Skills are important?

Hello Friends! This blog is all about the  importance of nonverbal communication skills.Please reveiw and comment.

Non-verbal communication plays following roles:
  • Repetition: they are repetition of the message the person is making verbally.
  • Contradiction: they can contradict a message the individual is trying to convey.
  • Substitution: they can substitute for a verbal message. For example, a person's eyes can often convey a far more vivid message than words do.
  • Complementing: they can add to or complement a verbal message. A boss who pats a person on the back in addition to giving praise can increase the impact of the message.
  • Accentingthey underlines verbal message. Beating the table, for example, can underline a message.
Questions to ask:
  • Why body language is important? Why do you think so?
  • Can we separate non-verbal communication from a language? Why/Why not?
  • Do you think it is important in business? 

Nonverbal communication is as essential as verbal as it tells the other person if you are being truthful in your speech and how well you are listening. When nonverbal signals matches with the words, they enhances the trust, clarity and bond. To increase communication skills, it is essential to become more sensitive to the body language and nonverbal cues. It also helps in evolving an idea.The following vedio explains its importance in business environment :

You can see in the video that verbal communication is not enough. For instance, in the start of the video  the little boy said to the boy that it is great that he got the lead role in the play but the tone by which he said does not matched with his words. It seemed by his expression that he does not care about boy’s achievement. 

Citations :
Pearl, L. (1992). You are the message: Using non-verbal strategies makes a big difference in business presentations.AgriMarketing, 30(9), 44. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/214009277?accountid=3455

Friday, 31 May 2013

What is non communication skills include?

Nonverbal communication is the way of communication through sending and receiving silent signals. It includes communication of messages through gestures and touch,body language or porture,physical distance,facial expression and eye contact. 

Fundamentally, it is one of the important aspects of communication. It has various functions described as follows:

  • ü  Used to repeat the verbal message (example: point in a direction while stating directions.
  • ü  Often used to accent a verbal message. (example: verbal tone indicates the definite meaning of the specific words)
  • ü  It is used to control interactions (includes non-verbal signals that covey when can other person speak or not).
  • ü  May substitute for the verbal message (Especially when it is blocked by noise, interruption, etc.) Finger on the lips symbolizes to being quite.